Of course my memories are hazy.
We drove a big green Chevy Suburban. It was used when we
bought it and already pretty beat up. The back lacked cushioning but had lots
and lots of green-painted, cold metallic space. The truck's name was Emmylou II.
Emmylou II had a tape deck and this seemed really high tech
to us. We had two tapes for the trip: Stevie Wonder's Greatest Hits and the
Star Wars Soundtrack (as in the whole movie on tape). The trip from San
Francisco to Baja is around 10 hours so you do the math. To this day every time
I hear Stevie Wonder I think about that trip to Baja.
I remember stopping at a rest stop somewhere in Southern
California and climbing a tree that had brush-like red flowers and cylindrical
nut clusters. I hid in the tree, most likely running away or to Marcus who was
my age and who I adored in a bratty, teasing, six-year-old-girl sort of way,
and picked off all the round, berry-sized seeds off one of the clusters. Then I
probably threw them at Marcus. It was incredibly satisfying. I still love these
types of trees. There are lots of them in Southern California.
Then we were in Mexico on the beach. I had a pair of swim
fins that I was really excited to try out even though I couldn't swim. My mom
helped me put them on and we waded out into the warm brown water. I can still
remember how silky and bathtub-like it felt up to my knees. But the sand was
more like mud and soon one of my fins was stuck. I had to pull my foot out but
the mud just ate up the fin. My parents dug and searched for the fin but we
never found it. I was sad about the fin but more than anything I was awed that
mud could just swallow something like that. I gained respect for mud.
There were fishermen selling small sharks on the beach and I
think we bought one then cooked it on a fire maybe. I doubt I liked it. I was
an extremely fussy eater. I remember that urine-like shark flavor a little bit.
There was a small shop near where we were camping and a
rotund Mexican woman shopper took a liking to me and fawned all over me. No one
in the US did this much so I loved it and my parents did too. While my dad was
chatting with her in Spanish I wandered through the aisles of the store and
found an open package of . . . Skittles maybe? My parents didn't let me have
candy that often so I grabbed the package and slipped them in a pocket. Later
my dad asked me where I got the candy.
"Oh that Mexican lady must have given them to
her," my mom said.
This worked fine for me so I silently let them believe it.
Still I was a little scared eating the candy since in the US at that time there
were all sorts of scares about kids getting poisoned by candy given to them by
strangers. I hoped the Skittles weren't poisoned but felt they were worth the risk.
Everyone camped on the beach but little girl Jessie, who was
two years younger than me, was afraid and wanted to sleep in our truck instead.
I said I'd join her because she was the person I liked sleeping next to the
most. The first night went well but the second night Jessie got bit all over
her face by some sort of bug. The bites were small, red and they itched.
Somehow they didn't bite me or maybe I just didn't react to them. Jessie was
really little so she kept scratching and eventually she ended up with scabs all
over her face. I felt bad for her and was really thankful those bugs didn't get
We drove inland over all kinds of crazy 4WD roads with
cactuses all around and up and over dry, bristly hills. Near dusk we descended
a hill and there it was: a motel. Maybe we all needed a shower or maybe we were
lost but the parents decided to splurge to stay there the night. I had never
stayed in a motel or hotel before so this was very exciting.
I don't remember the rooms beyond a sort of mildew smell,
but there was a swimming pool that was full of frogs. They were so loud we
couldn't sleep so my dad had all us kids go out and yell "Campbell
Soup!" at them as loud as we could. I don't think it worked (it never has)
but I still yell Campbell Soup at noisy frogs.
My last memory is crossing back over the US/Mexican border.
We had to wait in a very long line of cars to get to the immigration
checkpoints but there were vendors everywhere selling food and colorful
souvenirs like piñatas and ceramics. My parents never bought me much stuff, or
at least I didn't think so, but here they bought me a big, cartoon-looking
ceramic piggy bank. I can't remember anything more about it so it must have
broken not long after we got it home. It was brightly colored and would have
really stood out in my room.
Overall the way I remember the trip is the sense of freedom.
The beach was huge and safe and the other kids and I were probably left on our
own to roam around quite a bit. Mexico was warm, salty and had a light sour, flowery
smell to it. I think my parents must have given me lots of Cracker Jacks
because they too remind me of this trip to Baja. Back home things were still
pretty free - this was the 1970s and we lived in the suburbs - but the feel of
a different type of air against my skin, exotic smells and the warmth had me
hooked. Aside from a few family trips to England my next trip wouldn't be till
I was 13 years old and mature enough to enjoy that sense of freedom even more.
Great post. I too went on my first real travel adventure when our family went camping down in Baja around the same time, circa 1975. I was six years old and that trip made me realize I was born to travel.